WWMS Volleyball won all three games tonight. Congrats girls!
Oct. 24, 2019-Let’s Talk:Youth Vaping & Marijuana Use
Lincoln Southeast High School (Commons Area)
2930 S. 37th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Today's School Bulletin: https://weepingwater.nebps.org/bulletin/200.html
Additional photos from the 1st and 2nd grade trip to the bank.
Our calendar project is underway! The 1st & 2nd Graders are touring the bank!
Cross Country photos from the Yutan meet. Thank you to the parents that send these to me.
Today's School Bulletin: https://weepingwater.nebps.org/bulletin/200.html
Today’s parade of student organizations & teams wouldn’t be possible without our awesome community’s participation & support! Thank you for helping us keep these traditions alive!
Faculty win set 3. Game, set, match to the staff!
Staff storms back in set 2 winning 25-7
The faculty / senior volleyball game is in full swing. Seniors took game one 25-23.
Serious school spirit shown by the Kindergarten Students!
Today's School Bulletin: https://weepingwater.nebps.org/bulletin/200.html
There was a lone WW JH runner today. Lindsy finished 33rd in 10:29 on a 1900m course today.
Good day at Fairbury Cross Country. Improvement every week. No medalists but we are getting closer. Most ran a PR or a season best today. Austin was the top boys time, Lauren was the top girls time for WW.
Zoology looking at mosquito larvae while studying vector diseases.
WWPS is taking closed bids for the wood located north of the maintenance shed. Bids will be accepted at the WWPS Office during school hours. Bids are due by noon on Wednesday, 9/25/19 High bid receives all the wood in the pile. Proceeds go to the FB Player's Fund.
Today's School Bulletin: https://weepingwater.nebps.org/bulletin/200.html
The WWHS Construction Class spent part of yesterday pouring concrete for different school projects. We appreciate all of the work done by the class and volunteers to make our school a better place!
Congratulations to WWHS Junior Class Officers, Jami T, VP; Addi B, Secretary; Trey L, President; & Langdon K, Treasurer!