Thank you high schoolers for serving as readers and timers/scorers today at the Cass County Quad Quiz Bowl. It’s an entirely different view from the other side of the buzzer!
6th & 8th grade teams placed 1st at the Cass County Quad Quiz Bowl today! Buzz on, quiz bowlers!
Parents - Parent/Teacher Conferences are Wednesday, October 2nd. Elementary parents should have appointments. MS/HS parents are welcome from 9am to 11am, noon to 3pm, and 6pm to 8:30pm. Rather than in the gym, teachers will be in their classrooms for conferences.
Today's School Bulletin:
Today's School Bulletin:
If you or someone you know is in Crisis, the Crisis Text Line is free with 24/7 support. Text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor. Crisis Text Line trains volunteers to support people in crisis.
Second Graders designed bridges with mixed materials, today! They are amazing “Civil Engineers”!
Second Graders designed bridges with mixed materials, today! They are amazing “Civil Engineers”!
Parents - Parent/Teacher Conferences are Wednesday, October 2nd. Elementary parents should have appointments. MS/HS parents are welcome from 9am to 11am, noon to 3pm, and 6pm to 8:30pm. Rather than in the gym, teachers will be in their classrooms for conferences.
Today's School Bulletin:
Today's School Bulletin:
Today's School Bulletin:
Book Fair starts next Monday, September 30. We'll be open during Parent-Teacher Conferences, too.
Hope to see you there!
Today's School Bulletin:
WWPS is taking closed bids for the wood located north of the maintenance shed. Bids will be accepted at the WWPS Office during school hours. Bids are due by noon on Wednesday, 9/25/19 High bid receives all the wood in the pile. Proceeds go to the FB Player's Fund.
Today's School Bulletin:
Lincoln College Fair on Sunday!
When: Oct. 22 from 1pm - 3pm
Where: Southeast Community College on 8800 O street
#NECollegeFair #CollegePrep #CollegeFair
Today's School Bulletin:
Today's School Bulletin:
Happy Constitution Day From Kindergarten!