about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving our country.
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Veterans Day poster
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Influenza is hitting earlier than normal this year. Please be sure to follow the WWPS illness policy. Take care of yourself and your immune system this flu season: -Drink plenty of fluids -Get adequate sleep -Wash your hands frequently -Eat right -Stay home if you are sick
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
WWPS Illness Policy
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Congratulations to our November students of the month who have been nominated by WWPS staff for demonstrating qualities of SOAR (Safety, Opportunity, Attendance & Respect).
about 5 years ago, Tiffanie Welte, EdD
November students of the month are Brittney M, Reagan A, Kelsi V, Hunter M, Avery H, Lucas D & Treva W.
HS World History classes visiting with an archeologist in Corinth Greece via Skype learning about the ancient city.
about 5 years ago, Charles Cover
class listening to an archeologist.
Slide of Corinth.
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
WWPS will celebrate Veterans Day Mon, 11/11. Students are encouraged to invite a veteran for donuts & coffee @9:30 with the program to follow @10:00. Community members are welcome. RSVP to the office by Friday.
about 5 years ago, Tiffanie Welte, EdD
Students are encouraged to invite a veteran as a guest for donuts & a program Mon, 11/11.
High school leadership students reading The Energy Bus for Kids to the elementary.
about 5 years ago, Bristol Wenzl
Reading the Energy Bus for Kids to 5th Grade
Weston and Peyton reading to third grade.
Geography students mystery Skyping with a class from Nigeria.
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Geography Students Skyping with a class from Nigeria
Today's the day! Evening appointments still available. Make sure you're drinking lots of water today and see you soon! Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Laurie Barrett
Blood Drive Today!
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Several appointments still available for the Red Cross Blood Drive at school Tuesday, Nov. 5!
about 5 years ago, Laurie Barrett
NHS Blood Drive
It was a fun first day of WW Morning Walking Club. 25 elementary students participated.
about 5 years ago, Bristol Wenzl
Day 1 group photo.
Getting their bodies awake and ready to learn
Working hard
Paused for a picture
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
Free developmental screenings will be offered to area children ages birth to 3 on November 6th from 8:00am to 11:00am at Louisville Elementary. To schedule an appointment contact Mrs. Lisa Sheehan at (402)234-4215 or via email at lsheehan@lpslions.org.
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
The November monthly breakfast and lunch menus are now posted. https://www.weepingwaterps.org/o/weeping-water/page/food-service-information--15
about 5 years ago, Weeping Water Public Schools
WWPS No Place for Hate
about 5 years ago, Bristol Wenzl
Every student that participated in Red Ribbon Week created a feather.
Mr. Reiman giving a helping hand during elementary lunch today!
about 5 years ago, Bristol Wenzl
Mr. Reiman always willing to help.