Today's School Bulletin:
Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving our country.
Today's School Bulletin:
Influenza is hitting earlier than normal this year. Please be sure to follow the WWPS illness policy. Take care of yourself and your immune system this flu season:
-Drink plenty of fluids
-Get adequate sleep
-Wash your hands frequently
-Eat right
-Stay home if you are sick
Today's School Bulletin:
Congratulations to our November students of the month who have been nominated by WWPS staff for demonstrating qualities of SOAR (Safety, Opportunity, Attendance & Respect).
HS World History classes visiting with an archeologist in Corinth Greece via Skype learning about the ancient city.
Today's School Bulletin:
WWPS will celebrate Veterans Day Mon, 11/11. Students are encouraged to invite a veteran for donuts & coffee @9:30 with the program to follow @10:00. Community members are welcome. RSVP to the office by Friday.
High school leadership students reading The Energy Bus for Kids to the elementary.
Geography students mystery Skyping with a class from Nigeria.
Today's the day! Evening appointments still available. Make sure you're drinking lots of water today and see you soon! Thank you!
Today's School Bulletin:
Several appointments still available for the Red Cross Blood Drive at school Tuesday, Nov. 5!
It was a fun first day of WW Morning Walking Club. 25 elementary students participated.
Today's School Bulletin:
Free developmental screenings will be offered to area children ages birth to 3 on November 6th from 8:00am to 11:00am at Louisville Elementary. To schedule an appointment contact Mrs. Lisa Sheehan at (402)234-4215 or via email at
The November monthly breakfast and lunch menus are now posted.
WWPS No Place for Hate
Mr. Reiman giving a helping hand during elementary lunch today!