Reminder that Tabithas Threads will be available Friday from 4:00-6:00 for families needing food. They will have the regular backpack items available as well as ground beef, apples and oranges, diapers and cleaning supplies.
Coach Bleach's latest book - The Sneetches!
The lights are on in honor of our 2020 Spring Athletes and Seniors.
Light Up the Night is tonight! Turn on your lights tonight at 8:20 (20:20 in military time) in honor of Senior & Spring Athletes! The WW stadium lights will come on for 20 minutes. You can take part by shining your porch lights at the same time! Shine On, Indians!
Due to the predicted winter storm, the WW food service will be delivering breakfast and lunch for BOTH Thursday AND Friday on Thursday morning. There will be no delivery on Friday. You will get 4 meals (2 breakfast / 2 lunch) on Thursday morning.
3rd Grade Zoom fun tonight! The kids were so excited to see and talk to each other! Thank you Mrs. Heath for letting Mrs. Bickford and Mrs. Wenzl join! ❤️
Mrs. DeMike and Mrs. Wenzl had fun Zooming with the Kindergarteners tonight! ❤️
Students & Parents-Be sure to check the library website regularly! ( I've added links to thousands more audio & e-books and over a dozen new databases available for remote learning. Look especially under Book Finder Tools & more...Library Events!
FYI - SCC will waiting until May 15th to determine if they will be holding a driver's education course in Weeping Water.
Best PE journal entry so far! 8 hour Fishing Unit and ends up catching a giant! Nice catch Marcus!
ATTN Seniors & Sr. Parents - You should have received an email this morning with info on zoom meeting that will take place Tuesday evening at 6:00pm. Dr. Welte & Mr. Reiman will share info/answer questions. If you DID NOT get the info, send an email to:
Pout Pout Fish by Coach Bleach
Happy Monday!
Here is a great link for resources to support families in this time, particularly is you are in need of mental health resources...
Weeping Water Public Schools would like to send a huge thank you to the Weeping Water Euclid Lodge No. 97 for the donation of over $1800 to the Food Program. These funds will go to pay lunch debts owed by students. Thank you for this generous donation! We appreciate it.
The Food Bank for the Heartland is partnering with Tabitha’s Thread to host drive-up mobile pantry in Weeping Water to help local individuals and families in need this afternoon.
It's one of our favorite coaches reading Verdi.
Thanks Coach Bleach
The parade is lining up! #WWRising #WWStaffParade
Tabithas Threads will not be available for the backpack food Friday do to the food pantry. Families are encouraged to participate This Friday in the food pantry (re-located to the Weeping Water Public School parking lot) from 3:00-5:00 ish. Food Bank for the Heartland does awesome work!
The Food Bank for the Heartland is partnering with Tabitha’s Thread to host drive-up mobile pantry in Weeping Water to help local individuals and families in need this Friday.
Students / Parents - We have moved the assignment drop-off and pickup to the activity entrance on the southeast side of the building - Entrance #16. We will also be able to keep the door open everyday/evening. This allow greater availability for drop-off and pick up assignments