Football Fans: Please read through our district's protocols for attending home football games. Changes include masks in the stands, restrooms and concessions
Today's Weeping Water School Bulletin:
WW VB starts their season with a jamboree game against College View
Weeping Water beats Raymond Central 9-2 in the seasons opener. Weeping Water’s first program win as a stand alone program! Congrats Coaches and Players!
Home and Away Activity/Athletic Protocols are posted on the school's COVID-19 update page.
Community FOB renewals for the Wellness Center is tonight from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the front office. Renewal fee is $20. Please wear a mask.
Today's Weeping Water School Bulletin:
Volleyball Jamboree tonight vs College View @ 6:00 pm.
Please see the attached protocols for volleyball games. All spectators will enter through the appropriate door at the North Activity Entrance and are required to wear a mask. No passes will be accepted tonight.
Community FOB renewals for the Wellness Center is tonight and Thursday from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the front office. Renewal fee is $20. Please wear a mask.
Today's Weeping Water School Bulletin:
Thank you to the McCaulley family for their donation of school supplies. It is greatly appreciated.
Lady Indian Softball getting the year started
The Weeping Water Board of Education passed to items at the August BOE meeting related to COVID-19.
First, the modified the "Return to Learn protocols" based on new information and updates from various agencies. The new protocols can be accessed at:
Second, the BOE approved an alternate calendar that includes makeup days should WWPS need to close school due to the virus. These days were originally No Student/No Staff vacation days. Should the school need to use these makeup days, parents will be notified well in advance that school will be in session. The new school calendar can be accessed at:
Today's Weeping Water School Bulletin:
Attached is a list of Softball Protocols for each game. Please check each site's requirements before attending. Protocols will be updated as they are received from schools.
Community FOB renewals for the Wellness Center will be this Wednesday and Thursday from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the front office. Renewal fee is $20. Please wear a mask.
Pre-K 4’s Rolling into a new school year!
Today's Weeping Water School Bulletin:
Pre-K 3 year olds rolling into the school year!
2/2 - Each softball player will need to inform Coach Hammer or Mrs. Heath of the 4 spectators who will be attending the jamboree.