The April 15, 2025 bond election will be held by mail. Registered voters residing within the Weeping Water Public School district will receive a ballot by mail at his/her address as it appears on the voter register.


  • Ballots will be mailed on March 24th.

  • All ballots must be in the possession of the Election Commissioner no later than 5:00 PM on Election Day, April 15th.

  • When voting, make sure to complete the "Voter Identification" and "Voter's Signature" section on the envelope

  • Registered voters wishing to vote who will be absent from their residence between March 24th and April 15th may contact their County Clerk or Election Commissioner's Office

  • Need to Register to Vote?

    • March 28th is the last day for mail-in registrations, registrar registrations, delivered, registrations, and agency registrations.

    • April 4th is the last day for in-person voter registration in the office of Cass County Election Commissioner.


Voted ballots sealed in the "Return Identification Envelope" may be returned by mail or hand delivered to the County Clerk or Election Commissioner's Office at the address listed on the ballot envelope or placed in a designated drop box.

Cass County

Ballot Drop-off

Election Commissioner of Cass County
145 N. 4th Street, Room 201
Plattsmouth, NE


A ballot drop box is located on the WEST side of the courthouse

All ballots must be in possession of the Election Commissioner of Cass County no later than 5:00 PM on Election Day, April 15th, 2025.


Contact your County Election Office or Weeping Water Public Schools at 402-267-2445